Who researches and what is researched in Applied Linguistics

review of publications in DELTA - Brazilian journal of studies in theoretical and Applied Linguistics





Applied Linguistics, Journal, DELTA, Brazilian research


This work seeks to examine the publications of the DELTA journal, to present an overview of research trends in AL. To provide an overview of the journal's publication profile, we carried out a qualitative and quantitative research of works published over 27 years with a special focus in the last 10 years. The methodology consisted of collecting, mapping, and analyzing as many publications as possible through the writing and use of programming code in Python language. To generate the data, we chose to pay attention to analyzing the abstracts and keywords of each publication and established categories to delimit the research descriptors. We observed that most works published in DELTA are written in Portuguese, reaffirming that regionalism trends remain consistent in the field of AL. Furthermore, the journal makes it clear in its norms the necessity of a writing that is considered like that of a native speaker, which implies the need, within the Brazilian context, to give a voice to subjects from the global South. Finally, we reiterate a characteristic of the field of Applied Linguistics: it is very extensive, varied, and interdisciplinary.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Moro, UFRGS

Mestranda em Linguística Aplicada pela UFRGS.

Rafaela Potrich, UFRGS

Mestranda em Linguística Aplicada pela UFRGS.


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How to Cite

MORO, D.; POTRICH, R. Who researches and what is researched in Applied Linguistics: review of publications in DELTA - Brazilian journal of studies in theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 17, p. e1763, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/DLv17a2023-63. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/dominiosdelinguagem/article/view/71057. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Articles - Literature Review