“We can(‘t) do it!”

the antifeminist recontextualizations of the “Rosie, the Riveter” poster





Rosie, the Riveter, Recontextualization, Antifeminism, Neoconservatism


This article intends to characterize the recontextualizations (Bauman; Briggs, 2006 [1990]; Silverstein; Urban, 1996; Blommaert, 2008) of the poster “Rosie, the Riveter” in its transit through and between antifeminist spaces. Furthermore, I identify the gender performativity and sexism present in these processes. Taking into account the online/offline hybridity (Blommaert et al., 2019) of relationships in contemporary times, the methodology used is digital ethnography (Hine, 2000; 2015; Varis, 2014), with the contribution of the social network Facebook and the concepts regarding the use of memes in this environment (Varis; Blommaert, 2015). The bibliography that supports the understanding of the productions of “Rosie” during the war period are the postulations of Aguierre (2018) and Lôbo (2017). Furthermore, gender issues and feminism comes from Butler (1990; 2004) and hooks (2018 [2002]). Faludi (2001) and Vaggione and Biroli (2020) are the main authors who contribute for understanding anti-feminist disputes over time. Being the citationality (Nakassis, 2019) an analytical element for the interpretation of what is modified in the circulation of texts, I conclude that the analyzed discourses act by defining the subjectivity of people around gender, according to heteronormativity and the delegated social roles.


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Author Biography

Carolina Fernanda Soares Silva, UFG

Doutoranda em Estudos Linguísticos pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG).


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. F. S. “We can(‘t) do it!”: the antifeminist recontextualizations of the “Rosie, the Riveter” poster. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 17, p. e1752, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/DLv17a2023-52. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/dominiosdelinguagem/article/view/69728. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.