The eternal regularity of participles

Uses and ideas about them in the current and 19th century mass media




Analogy, Participle, Press, Regularization, Twitter


This paper reviews, through the verb forms of participles, the phenomenon of analogy as an internal mechanism of language, the results of which are often of concern to speakers. The study is framed in the relationship between society and mass media nowadays and in the nineteenth century in the treatment of aspects of language, specifically, the uses and forms of participles. To this end, we have created a synchronic corpus of tweets in which doubts are posed to the RAE account on this issue and, in parallel, another diachronic corpus, from which we have selected four nineteenth-century press articles that focus on the morphology and correctness of a new verb formed analogically from a participle: presupuestar. The study concludes with the importance of the different platforms to satisfy the doubts of language users and shows the social interest aroused by the grammatical item we are investigating.


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Author Biography

Miguel Silvestre Llamas, Universidad de Cádiz (España)

Contratado predoctoral en Filología (área de Lengua Española), Universidad de Cádiz (España).


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How to Cite

SILVESTRE LLAMAS, M. The eternal regularity of participles: Uses and ideas about them in the current and 19th century mass media. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 16, n. 2, p. 843–869, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/DL50-v16n2a2022-16. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.