The study of phraseology in translation
a corpus-based methodology
Phraseology, Metaphors, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus-based Translation StudiesAbstract
This article proposes a discussion about a didactic activity developed through the theoretical-methodological approach of Phraseology and Corpus-based Translation Studies, which aims to be applied in a classroom composed of Translation learners. The goal is that students become aware of the interface between these two areas of language studies that connect each other. In this sense, students should use the iWeb® reference corpus to identify the metaphorical aspect of certain phraseologies, and apply this knowledge to their translation practice. For this, the article is based on Corpus-based Translation Studies a, (BAKER, 1993, 1996; BOWKER, 1998; BOWKER; PEARSON, 2002; TAGNIN, 2015; BERBER SARDINHA, 2002; ZANETTIN; BERNARDINI; STEWART, 2003 2002, 2011) and also in Phraseology (BEVILACQUA, 2005; ROCHA, ORENHA-OTTAIANO; AMADEU-SABINO, 2018; SABINO; ORENHA-OTTAIANO; CALDAS, 2019), among other authors who also contributed to the foundation of this work.
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