The effects of teaching graphophonological relations on the reduction of orthographic mistakes in Youth and Adult Education




Orthography, Youth and Adult Education, Graphophonological relations


Writing is socially valued, as it represents verified knowledge and enables users to cultural assets. Writing according to orthographic norms is essential for one to make an efficient use of the language and not be stigmatized for having only the oral modality. In the various stages of teaching, difficulties are still detected in spelling; however, with students at an irregular educational trajectory, such as those of the Youth and Adult Education (YAE), the difficulties are even greater. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the effects of the teaching of graphophonological relations in the reduction spelling mistakes in a class of YAE level VI (8th/9th grades).  The data consist of the three most frequent mistakes in class, previously verified in a diagnostic data collection, and they were the deletion of <r> in coda of verbs in the infinitive, the supergeneralization of the grapheme used to mark the coda of verbs ending in [w], and monophthongation of verbs in the perfect tense of the indicative. An action research was carried out with qualitative and quantitative analyses of the data, which were a set of pre-tests, intervention activities, and a set of post-tests. The results point to the pertinence of systematized work with spelling in order to decrease problems that tend to linger in the educational trajectory of students, for the number of mistakes decreased from 103 to 24 after the intervention. The conclusion is that orthographic activities that relate the knowledge students already have to information on the structure and functioning of the language help reduce deviations from the norm.


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How to Cite

SILVA, F. A. A.; LIMA JR, R. M. The effects of teaching graphophonological relations on the reduction of orthographic mistakes in Youth and Adult Education. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 14, n. 3, p. 879–907, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/DL43-v14n3a2020-7. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.