DETER Monitoring on Non-Forest Vegetation in the Brazilian Amazon

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Cassiano Gustavo Messias
João Felipe Sobrinho Kneipp Cerqueira Pinto
Vagner Luis Camilotti
Luciana Soler
Luis Eduardo Pinheiro Maurano
Marcos Adami
Fábio Corrêa Alves
Mariane Souza Reis
Camila Barata Quadros
Noeli Aline Particcelli Moreira
Luiz Henrique Almeida Gusmão
Thiago Carvalho de Lima
Delmina Carla Matos Barradas
André Carvalho
Fábio da Conceição Pinheiro
Vivian Fróes Renó
Deborah Lopes Correia-Lima
Douglas Rafael Vidal de Moraes
Amanda Pinoti Belluzzo
Jefferson Jesus de Souza
Lucélia Souza de Barros
Eduardo Henrique Sanches Chrispim
Diego Moreira Silva
Igor Perez Cunha
Marlon Henrique Hetzel Matos
Gabriel Mikael Rodrigues Alves
Raíssa Caroline dos Santos Teixeira
Manoel Ribeiro Rodrigues Neto
Dayane Rafaela Vidal de Moraes
Rodrigo de Almeida
Eduardo Felipe Marcelino Bastos
Ana Carolina Santos de Andrade
Letícia Palazzi Perez
Maristela Ramalho Xaud
Haron Abrahim Magalhães Xaud
Arlesson Antonio de Almeida Souza
Cláudio Aparecido de Almeida


In this study, we present the initial results of the pilot project applying the Near Real-Time Deforestation Detection System (DETER), initially designed for monitoring forest ecosystems (DETER Amazon), recently expanded to surveil an area of approximately 280,000 km² of non-forest natural vegetation (NF) in the Brazilian Amazon. The system issues two types of alerts: 1) NF suppression alerts, categorized into three classes (suppression with exposed soil, suppression with cultivated area, and suppression by mining) and 2) burn scars, based on an adapted methodology from DETER Amazon and images with low spatial resolution (64 m) but high temporal resolution (two or three days to assess the entire biome). The pilot project period was from August 2022 to July 2023, with a total area of suppression alerts covering 575.22 km², predominantly composed of the NF suppression class with exposed soil, and 8,036.99 km² of burn scar areas. The majority of NF suppression alerts occurred in the states of Roraima, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, and Pará. Additionally, Amazonas and Amapá stood out among the states with a higher area of burn scar alerts. Savannas were the most affected non-forest physiognomies, with 5,037 km² (6.5%) of their area impacted by suppression and fire. Comparative analysis with other monitoring systems in the Amazon demonstrated the effectiveness of DETER NF in monitoring non-forest areas in the biome.


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How to Cite
MESSIAS, C. G.; PINTO, J. F. S. K. C.; CAMILOTTI, V. L.; SOLER, L.; MAURANO, L. E. P.; ADAMI, M.; ALVES, F. C.; REIS, M. . S.; QUADROS, C. B.; MOREIRA, N. A. P.; GUSMÃO, L. H. A.; LIMA, T. C. de; BARRADAS, D. C. M.; CARVALHO, A.; PINHEIRO, F. da C.; RENÓ, V. F.; CORREIA-LIMA, D. L.; MORAES, D. R. V. de; BELLUZZO, A. P.; SOUZA, J. . J. de; BARROS, L. S. de; CHRISPIM, E. H. S.; SILVA, D. M.; CUNHA, I. P.; MATOS, M. H. H.; ALVES, G. M. R.; TEIXEIRA, R. C. dos S.; RODRIGUES NETO, M. R.; MORAES, D. R. V. de; ALMEIDA, R. de; BASTOS, E. F. M.; ANDRADE, A. C. S. de; PEREZ, L. P.; XAUD, M. R.; XAUD, H. A. M.; SOUZA, A. A. de A.; ALMEIDA, C. A. de. DETER Monitoring on Non-Forest Vegetation in the Brazilian Amazon. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 76, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv76n0a-72531. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.
Special Section "Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics"
Author Biography

Cassiano Gustavo Messias, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Possui graduação em Geografia Bacharelado com ênfase em análise ambiental e geoprocessamento (2011) e Geografia Licenciatura pela Universidade Federal de Alfenas (2012). Mestre em Geografia, pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2014).


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