Estimation and analysis of horizontal acceleration in time series of GNSS positioning in CORS stations

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Eliel Jesse Morais de Jesus Junior
Ivandro Klein
Renan Toledo Costa
Christian Gonzalo Amagua Pilapanta
Paulo Sergio Oliveira Junior


Coordinate time series of CORS (Continuous Operating Reference Stations) of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) are used for various purposes, such as estimating velocity models, applied in the temporal update of coordinates for a reference epoch. However, horizontal displacement may not be described by a linear model with constant velocity. We propose including horizontal acceleration in the modeling of coordinate series from continuously monitoring GNSS stations. We analyzed the horizontal component series (East and North) of stations in Brazil (BRAZ, BELE, UFPR), Chile (CLL1, QLAP), and Japan (MIZU) with linear modeling (first-degree polynomial) and non-linear modeling (second-degree polynomial). For comparison of the models, updates were made for a reference epoch. Including acceleration improves results for stations in Chile (132 mm absolute, 83% relative) and Japan (556 mm absolute, 82% relative), near tectonic plate boundaries. Even for stations in Brazil, including acceleration can significantly improve (≈10 mm absolute, ≈92% relative) the temporal update of coordinates. We recommend non-linear modeling in the next realization of the Brazilian Geodetic System, following recent ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame) realizations. This conclusion also applies to the long-term monitoring of large structures.


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JESUS JUNIOR, E. J. M. de; KLEIN, I.; COSTA, R. T.; PILAPANTA, C. G. A.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, P. S. Estimation and analysis of horizontal acceleration in time series of GNSS positioning in CORS stations. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 76, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv76n0a-71296. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


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