Temporal Data Organization Methodology for the Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre

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Glaucia Gabriel Sass
Amilton Amorim
Rui Pedro Julião


Nowadays, most diverse science areas search for past data to understand the present and build the future. In Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre (MTC), knowing the past can indicate in what manner there was an occupation of a territory also allowing one to plan on how to develop the next occupation actions. Our objective is to present a methodology for the organization of temporal data for the MTC. The methodological proposal consists of a series of steps that, from the concept of Data Warehousing, allows one to organize historical information from different sources, joining it to current data to generate new information. This method, along with the technological tools, allowed one to unite in a same database, "different" data in its structure and semantics acquired in different times. This procedure provides the history of the Cadastre data, and it is possible to verify what it was like, what it is like and allows a forecast of the future of that data. The methodological proposal proved viable because all the technologies employed are free and because the steps are iterative, once the multidimensional model is constructed, new databases can be inserted into the temporal.


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How to Cite
SASS, G. G. .; AMORIM, A.; JULIÃO, R. P. Temporal Data Organization Methodology for the Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 72, n. 4, p. 620–635, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv72n4-50357. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/revistabrasileiracartografia/article/view/50357. Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.
Review Articles
Author Biography

Glaucia Gabriel Sass, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul- UEMS

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