The discourse marker ‘por cierto’ and its Portuguese versions: an analysis of the subtitling of the Spanish TV show “El Ministerio del Tiempo”

an analysis of the subtitles of the Spanish TV show “El Ministerio del Tiempo”




Discourse markers, Por cierto, Digressive markers, Translation, Subtitle


The study of discourse markers has received special interest from multiple linguistic works in recent years; however, the contrastive researches between Spanish and Portuguese are still scarce. In this paper, we intend to contribute to the discussion by verifying the translations of the discourse marker "por cierto" in the subtitles of the Spanish TV show El Ministerio del Tiempo for Brazilian Portuguese. For this, we present some morphosyntactic, semantic, pragmatic and discursive characteristics of the discourse markers in general and "por cierto" specifically. After that we make considerations about the translation of this group of words and expressions based on important bibliographies such as Martín Zorraquino and Portolés (1999 (2009), Portolés (2001; 2002), Estellés Arguedas (2009), Fuentes Rodríguez (2009), Pons Bordería and Estellés (2009) and Borreguero Zuloaga, (2011) to analyze the subtitles of the scenes in which this marker appears, comparing their functions with those of the Portuguese translation options to verify what strategies were used. We conclude that although more than half of the translations have been adequate to the communicative context and the genre (including deleted the marker), there are relevant cases in which the translation guides other inferences by using markers in Portuguese that are closer to the lexical structure of the marker "por cierto" than to its processing meanings.


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How to Cite

MAZZARO, D.; RUAS, M. F. The discourse marker ‘por cierto’ and its Portuguese versions: an analysis of the subtitling of the Spanish TV show “El Ministerio del Tiempo”: an analysis of the subtitles of the Spanish TV show “El Ministerio del Tiempo”. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 14, n. 2, p. 649–675, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/DL42-v14n2a2020-12. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.