
Dear authors, we are already accepting texts for the 2024 edition of Domínios de Lingu@gem. We remind you that since 2023 the journal only has one annual volume (and is no longer available by issues). We have 2 thematic sections in each volume.

Internationalization and foreign language teaching: plurilingual perspectives



Marina Mello de Menezes Felix de Souza (UFOB)

Heloisa Albuquerque (USP)

Valeska Virgínia Soares Souza (UFU)

Telma Cristina de Almeida Silva Pereira (UFF)


The process of internationalization of Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the actions it triggers has been a central point of discussion within the scope of language policies at these institutions. Internationalization is a process whose main goal is to ensure the national and international visibility of HEIs' academic production and mobility in a broader context. In this context, glotopolitical actions that involve administrators, faculty and students in teaching, research and community outreach practices seek to broaden relations through their participation in projects whose developments affect local, regional and international levels. Currently, the educational language policy for basic education does not value plurilingualism, although the Ministry of Education (MEC) has drawn up documents focusing on internationalization for this segment. Thus, aware of the importance of internationalization and the didactic and political-linguistic issues it raises for its realization, this dossier aims to bring together articles that discuss (a) the challenges of educational policy in favor of plurilingualism; (b) the impact of the process of internationalization on the education of foreign language teachers; (c) the glotopolitical and didactic actions of languages and cultures with a view to internationalization; (d) the role of language and culture in the process of internationalization; (e) the issues of multilingualism, plurilingualism and translingualism; (f) issues related to the contexts of immigration and refuge.


Algorithms and artificial intelligence systems in/and processes of meaning-making



Simone Tiemi Hashiguti (IEL/UNICAMP)

Elizangela Patrícia Moreira da Costa (PPGL/UNEMAT)


To the horror of many people and the delight of many others, in 2023, advertising campaigns were launched in Brazil featuring as the main characters deceased people, whose bodies and/or voices were recreated by artificial intelligence (AI) systems. At the same time, we see the development of highly sophisticated chatbots, which can produce and review written texts with great accuracy, speak, chat and even provide programming codes. These computer systems and the products generated by them quickly gain popularity and are almost instantly adopted by people from the most diverse segments and sectors and for the most diverse purposes. In the midst of all this, we observe that the linguistic, textual, mnemonic, and affective daily lives of the majority of the global urban population happen with or are determined by their relationship with the algorithms and AI systems created and maintained by large corporations.

From a critical and problematizing position of this trend, however, we see the emergence of more and more digital activist groups that question the use and effects of these technologies and scientists, themselves previously protagonists in the history of the development of AI technologies, come forward to warn publicly about the danger and deadly potential for humanity of such computational systems. As has been shown in studies in different countries, cases of political disputes involving the use of robots and the mass dissemination of fake news are not rare, and computational solutions that repeat practices of racism and sexism, typical of human exclusionary and violent behavior against the different, abound, in clear proof that computational systems and digital space can be equally colonial.

It is at this historical moment, when it is still not clear to most of us what the ethics of using AIs should be and when a vast majority still do not resist the use of social networks and data sharing, but when we have already begun to question how we should deal with these technological advances for our health, our education and our future (co)existence, that we launch this call for publication.

Some questions that express our concerns regarding the topic are: How have we produced meanings and constituted ourselves as subjects of language alongside algorithms and AI systems? How have these invisible and practically omnipresent elements affected us in our linguistic, affective and/or educational practices? How have these technologies entered the language classroom and affected language education processes? What do anti-colonial collectives and digital activism groups teach us?

In this sense, we invite authors to submit articles that deal with these and other aspects related to the issue of AI algorithms/systems, in relation to human language, and/or linguistic education, with the aim of providing a more comprehensive look at the challenges and potential offered by the increasingly widespread use of algorithmic technologies in the field of language.

  • DL in 2024


    Dear authors, we are already accepting texts for the 2024 edition of Domínios de Lingu@gem. We remind you that since 2023 the journal only has one annual volume (and is no longer available by issue).

    We will have 2 thematic sections:

    Internationalization and foreign language teaching: plurilingual perspectives

    Algorithms and artificial intelligence systems in/and processes of meaning-making

    Read more about DL in 2024