The education in Mozambique: times and trajectories
Mozambique, Education, Historiography, DevelopmentAbstract
This article refers to two key concepts used to analyse the socio-historical development of the National Education System in the Mozambican time and territorial context. These concepts are “historiography” and “ideology.” In the first phase, the concept of historiography is discussed to assess its role in the emergence, evolution, and appropriation of the National Education System by Mozambican society. Discussing historiography in the realm of education contributes to a deep understanding of the successes, failures, and challenges that have occurred at different moments in history. However, in the final phase, the concept of ideology is debated. This discussion aims to link education to ideology, with ideology serving as a mechanism for social, political, and cultural legitimization. Thus, the educational process in different periods of Mozambique's history is examined to demonstrate that ideology has consistently played a significant role in education during each of these periods. The main conclusion archived is that historiography is a field of knowledge that, through the school curriculum, can contribute to the political and ideological orientation of Mozambicans.
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