The effects of covid-19 in basic education in Mato Grosso do Sul: how does the state education system face the pandemic?
Basic education in Mato Grosso do Sul, Teachers and Students, Covid-19Abstract
Considering the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and, as the measures to fight the disease have directly affected education, this study intends to reflect and discuss, through the epistemology of decolonial thinking, the current situation of basic education in Mato Grosso do Sul, more specifically the role of the state school teacher in non-presential classes. Therefore, topics such as the organization of remote classes, the school exclusion of students that were unfeasible by the lack of acess to school or to technological equipment, the lack of mastery in the use of new electronic resources by teachers, the excess of activities in front of computers that cause bodies to be directly affected and the imminent risk to the mental health of those involved in educational processes, make us reflecting on the education we need to have in the post-pandemic.
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