What is the Basis place?
National Curricular Common Base, Curriculum, Capitalism, Paulo FreireAbstract
This paper intends to show how the logic of capital is present without any modesty in the post-coup period of 2016, with the National Curricular Common Base as the background of public educational policies that aims to intensify inequalities by holding public schools accountable , teachers and students for the (poor) quality of Brazilian education. Through references committed to the unveiling of inequality, inherent in capitalism and based on the Marxian thesis against Feuerbach, we adopt critical theory as a foundation not only to interpret the present context, but also to indicate collaborating with actions that potentiate the transformation role education especially inspired by Paulo Freire. To problematize the proposal of the National Curricular Common Base, its curricular conception and how the teacher committed to emancipation and social transformation is therefore the objective of this essay that wishes to put this document in its place when we speak of Education for transformation Social.
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