Black student's writings: buildings and resistances at school
Institutional racisms, School, Black students, ResistancesAbstract
Confronting institutional racism is a pertinent, yet very neglected issue. The invisibility of voices denouncing the processes of dehumanization in the trajectories of black students has silenced many racial conflicts in everyday school despite the various manifestations in social networks, not always assumed with responsibility by the institutions. In this article, we intend to explain and deepen the debate about this complex issue, based on the experiences of two Minas Gerais students who sent their teachers letters about the mechanisms of racism in the school environment. Starting from these letters, we intend to interpret the manifestations of racism (implicit and explicit) in the daily life of two these students. This article is organized in three sessions, namely: 1) School context and the narratives received; 2) The problematization of racism from the perspective of black women; and 3) Dilemmas and possibilities of racism in school dynamics.
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