For a Systemic and Nationwide Structuring for the Brazilian Territorial Cadastre

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Suzana Silva
Artur Brandão
Andrea Carneiro
Alzir Buffara


A proposal for systemic management for the administration of the Brazilian cadastral system at national level, involving aspects related to the organizational structure, responsibilities, technical and legal issues is presented in this article. The analysis of the main documents elaborated during the international conferences of the UN, as well as scientific works, showed the necessity and importance of the consolidation of national structures and the description of the organizational structure of the cadastre around the world. Furthermore, a vision of the Brazilian cadastre, presenting the history and organizational structure of the urban and rural cadastres as well a vision on land governance for Brazil, was discussed. The proposal presented for a systemic structuring of the Brazilian cadastre, focused mainly on the lack of technical rigor in the elaboration of the municipal urban cadastres, as well as in the respective validations of these cadastres and other thematic cadastres produced in Brazil. This proposition presented here involves the establishment of a National Territorial Cadastre System (SNCT) and its operational structure, as well as the creation of a National Certification Service for the Territorial Cadastre (SNCCT), integrated and articulated with existing structures - the National System of Cadastre Information Management (SINTER) and the National Certification and Accreditation Committee (CNCC / INCRA / SIGEF). The proposal follows the main international rules for the development of cadastral systems based on existing initiatives and structures, taking advantage of national expertise.


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How to Cite
SILVA, S. D. R. S. e; BRANDÃO , A. C. .; CARNEIRO , A. F. T.; ANTUNES , A. F. B. For a Systemic and Nationwide Structuring for the Brazilian Territorial Cadastre. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, [S. l.], v. 73, n. 2, p. 685–706, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv73n2-57862. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.
Review Articles
Author Biographies

Suzana Silva , Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA e Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Possui graduação em Tecnologia em Geoprocessamento pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí - IFPI (2006), Especialista em Geoprocessamento: Fundamentos e Aplicações - IFPI (2009); Mestre em Ciências Geodésicas pela Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR (2011). Tem experiência na área de Geoprocessamento, Geodésia, Sensoriamento Remoto, Topografia com ênfase em Gerenciamento de Recursos Ambientais, Geodésia Física e Cartografia. Participou da produção de produtos cartográficos pelo Projeto Radiografia da Amazônia. Experiência no uso de Softwares ArcGis, Envi, GeoMediae FME. Desenvolveu atividades como professora, regime 20 horas, na Faculdade Evangélica do Piauí e ainda atividades de apoio no Programa do Pacto Nacional pelo Fortalecimento do Ensino Médio. O programa tem como objetivo promover a formação continuada dos professores e coordenadores pedagógicos que atuam no Ensino Médio da rede estadual de ensino, nas áreas urbanas e rurais, em consonância com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio e Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica. Desenvolveu atividades como professora 20 h na UFBA, no período de 02/2015 a 08/2015. Desde outubro de 2015 compõem o corpo docente da UFBA em regime de dedicação exclusiva - DE. Em 04/2017 iniciou doutorado em ciências geodésicas na UFPR, na área de concentração em Cadastro Territorial.

Artur Brandão , Universidade Federal da Bahia

Graduated in Surveying Engineering from the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering of Bahia (1987), with a master's degree in Geodetic Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná (1991) and a PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2003). Associate Professor at the Department of Transport and Geodesy Engineering (DETG) at the Polytechnic School of the Federal University of Bahia, where he joined in 1993 as a professor in the area of ​​Topography, developing since then, teaching, research and extension activities, in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. University graduate. It operates mainly in the following areas: Territorial Register, Topography, Geodesy / GNSS, Georeferencing. He was one of the main responsible for the creation of the Surveying and Cartography Engineering course at UFBA, in 2009. In 2010.2 he held a training internship at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany, PROBRAL / CAPES / DAAD. Coordinator of the Surveying and Cartography Engineering course at UFBA (2010/2012). Head of the Department of Transport Engineering and Geodesy at UFBA (2006/2008, 2008/2010 and 2018/2020). Innovation Director of FAPESB - Bahia Research Foundation (July / 2012 to April / 2015).

Andrea Carneiro , Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Graduated in Cartographic Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1989), master's degree in Geodetic Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná (1993) and doctorate in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2000). In 2018 he held a post-doctorate at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA) and Department of Geography and Regional Planning at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Associate professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco, teaching cartographic engineering courses and the Postgraduate Program in Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformation Technologies. He has experience in the area of ​​Geodetic Sciences, with an emphasis on Land Registry and Management, acting mainly on the following themes: land registration, real estate registration, territorial legislation and geotechnologies applied to registration. Leader of the Research Group on Geodetic Positioning and Property Registration. Participated in working groups for the drafting of Law 10267/2001 and Ordinance 511, of the Ministry of Cities.

Alzir Buffara , Universidade Federal do Paraná

1-Senior Professor of Geomatics Department of UFPR (Federal University of Paraná). 1- Prof. Titular do Departamento de Geomática da UFPR 2- Research area : Objected oriented image analysis applied to urban environment, Remote Sensing applied to rural and urban cadastre. 2- Área de pesquisa : Análise orientada a objeto aplicado ao ambiente urbano, Sensoriamento Remoto aplicado ao cadastro urbano e rural. 3- Lectures in graduate and undergraduate courses: Land Information System, Urban Cadastre, Scientic Methodology , Applied Remote Sensing. 3- Disciplinas graduação e pós-graduação: Sistema de Informações Territoriais , Metodologia Científica, Sensoriamento Remoto Aplicado 4- Permanent Professor of Geodesy Phd Program of UFPR 4- Professor permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em ciências Geodésicas

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