Concessive Comparative Construction “Até que para um palhaço, você escreve legal” as an awkward compliment




Construction Grammar. Mental Space. Blending.


In this work, we discuss the activation of presupposition and conceptual blending, based on the Theory of Mental Spaces (FAUCONNIER, 1994, 1997; FAUCONNIER; TURNER, 2002), in the structure we call Concessive-Comparative Construction, outlined as “ATÉ QUE PARA X, Y” and instantiated in instances like “Até que pra um avô você ainda está em forma, hein”. Following the socio-cognitive contribution from Construction Grammar (GOLDBERG, 1995, 2006; FILLMORE, LEE-GOLDMAN & RHOMIEUX, 2012), based on a theoretical-methodological approach based on use, with a database formed by authentic occurrences taken from the internet, we aim to legitimize the Concessive-Comparative Construction as an evaluative resource of the language that can promote veiled criticism. After empirical analysis of the data, we point out that this construction seems to promote a process of conceptual blending, which relates scales between mental spaces and promotes the emergence of an ad hoc category, in which the assessment made is relative to a group of expectations.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela da Silva Pires, UFV

Doutora em Linguística e professora do Departamento de Letras da Universidade Federal de Viçosa/MG

Luiz Fernando Matos Rocha, UFJF

Doutor em Linguística e professor do Departamento de Letras da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora/MG


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How to Cite

PIRES, G. da S.; ROCHA, L. F. M. Concessive Comparative Construction “Até que para um palhaço, você escreve legal” as an awkward compliment. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 15, n. 4, p. 1180–1214, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/DL48-v15n4a2021-10. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.