Teaching reading and the formation of knowledge subject
Language, Metaphor, Teaching of Reading, Discourse, MeaningAbstract
In this article I aim to discuss the use of instruments and certain educational practices in the teaching process of reading. From a discursive perspective, I understand that to train, prepare, adequate subjects for daily practices produces, as effect, both the control and the assortment of interpretation, which demands a signifying position from the subject, that is, from the understanding that sense is constituted in/by the relation with the signifier. Besides, I also show, through corpus analysis, a possibility of promoting the movement of subject from a position that seeks identification trough certain material surface towards a position that places him/her in relation with the symbolic object. That relation might lead him/her to knowledge construction once it establishes articulation between him/her and the meaning processes regarding his/her own experience(s) of/in the world.Downloads
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