Power and the esteemed professorate


  • Kay E. Payne
  • Josef Cangemi




Professorate, power, professorial


Abstract: Often professors of higher education do not recognize the difference between teaching subject matter and teaching students. They emulate their former professor mentors without much analysis of the assets/liabilities of classroom behaviors. The absence of teaching methods in the teaching curriculum of college/university contributes to the problem. The following article describes a composite picture of the esteemed professorate depicted by an accumulation of life experiences, student stories, professorial reputations and caricatures. The categories of professorial type do not represent exclusivity, but indeed are anticipated to overlap. The professorate needs to strive to use teaching methods which empower students to learn, just as we all strive to encourage the corporate world to empower their employees.


Biografia do Autor

  • Kay E. Payne

    Associate Professor - Communication and Broadcasting Department - Western Kentucky University - Bowling Green. 

  • Josef Cangemi

    Professor of Psychology - Western Kentucky University - Bowling Green.


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Como Citar

Power and the esteemed professorate. Educação e Filosofia, Uberlândia, v. 11, n. 21/22, p. 181–202, 2008. DOI: 10.14393/REVEDFIL.v11n21/22a1997-892. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/EducacaoFilosofia/article/view/892. Acesso em: 26 mar. 2025.