Vol. 21 No. 1 (2009)


Luciane Martins de Araújo Mascarenhas, Laerte Guimarães Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo Ferreira
Remote Sensing as a Law Enforcement and Environmental Protection Tool: Remnant Vegetation Analysis in the Araguaia River Basin
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Thomaz Correa e Castro Costa, Luciano José de Oliveira Accioly, Luciana Mara Temponi Oliveira, Maria Aparecida José de Oliveira, Daniel Pereira Guimarães
Interaction among biophysical and human factors with flora diversity in the indication of areas for conservation of Caatinga biome
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Karla Donato Fook, Silvana Amaral, Antônio Miguel Vireira Monteiro, Gilberto Câmara, Arimatéa de Carvalho Ximenes, Luciana Satiko Arasato
Making species distribution models available on the Web for reuse in biodiversity experiments: Euterpe edulis species case study
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Daniela Salgado Carvalho, Teresa Fidélis
Environmental complaints in Aveiro, Portugal: actors, concerns, territorial pattern, and resolutions
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Iracema Reimão Silva, José Rodrigues de Souza Filho, Merissa Barbosa, Fádia Rebouças, Ricardo Augusto Souza Machado
Environmental diagnosis and capacity analyzes of Itapoã's neighborhood, Salvador, Bahia
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Alethéa Ernandes Martins Sallun, Kenitiro Suguio
Geoprocessing in the morphostructural analysis of region between Marília and Presidente Prudente (SP)
PDF (Português (Brasil))
João Batista Pereira Cabral, Luiz Alberto Fernandes, Iraci Scopel, Valter Antonio Becegato, Alberto Pio Fiori
Evaluation of Sedimentation State in Cachoeira Dourada Reservoir (GO/MG), Brazil
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Mirlei F. V. Pereira
Networks, Transportation Systems and the New Dynamics of the Territory in the Current Period: Notes about the Brazilian Case
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Márcia Andréia Ferreira Santos, Julio Cesar de Lima Ramires
Space perception of violence and fear of the residents of neighborhoods Morumbi and Luizote de Freitas in Uberlândia/MG
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Valéria Cristina Pereira da Silva
City in the labyrinth: disclosing post-modern metaphors
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Luiza Helena Barreira Machado
Entering the Representations of the Trade in Medicinal Plants Goiânia/Go: a Reflection Geographical
PDF (Português (Brasil))