Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): I was here all along and you didn't see me: Challenges and achievements of Brazilian contemporary indigenous art
I was here all along and you didn't see me: Challenges and achievements of Brazilian contemporary indigenous art

Indigenous artists of various ethnicities who resist and survive today are present in large galleries, museums and places that were previously colonized and Eurocentric, showing their powerful and revealing arts. The gateway to this precise and assertive moment opens to a new time of discovering who we really are; this is urgent and non-transferable. Organized by guest editors, Kássia Borges and Naine Terena, the dossier “I was here all the time and you didn’t see me: challenges and achievements of Brazilian contemporary indigenous art” brought together articles on contemporary art and the diversity of artistic and cultural expressions that specifically focus and discuss the art of the native peoples of Brazil.


Revista Estado da Arte
Editorial v.3 n.2
pdf (Português (Brasil))

Eu estava aqui o tempo todo e você não me viu: Desafios e conquistas da arte indígena contemporânea brasileira.

Naine Terena Jesus
Indigenous aesthetic manifestations : thinking about making indigenous art in Brazil
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Leandro Raphael Nascimento de Paula, Jôsy Monteiro Alves, Marina del Cármen Rodrigues de Olivera, Pritama Morgado Brussolo
Txaísmo e Amerindian Perspectivism in Jaider Esbell: Ta decolonial process crossed by contemporary indigenous art
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Idjahure Achkar de Mendonça Pinto, Lucas Canavarro Rodrigues Martins
To resound the question: what is Txaism?
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Daniel Dinato
Variations of txaism: some formulations about the curator-txai
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Laura Castro, Carolina Ferreira
O Levante dos Mantos: Kwá Yepé Turusú Yuriri Assojaba Tupinambá e Morî' erenkato eseru'
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Sheilla Patricia Dias Souza, Tadeu dos Santos Kaingang
Contemporary indigenous art, anthropophagy of the Revolt
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Randra Kevelyn Barbosa Barros
The art of narrating, drawing, singing and weaving: the artistic doings of Sibé and Meriná
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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