Guidelines/Thematic Dossiers

Revista Educação e Políticas em Debate publishes thematic dossiers aimed at public education policies, organized by researchers who are dedicated to the investigation in the dossier, with national contributions, from different regions of the country, and international. Thus, the articles must have a strict relationship to the thematic fieldIn each issue, the journal will also have articles on free topics, published in the continuous demand section, which, in particular, is the responsibility of the editorial team.


REPOD counts on two possibilities of proposition of dossiers:

  1. Dossier with a theme defined by an Editorial Council of the journal, which sends the invitation the researcher(s) who investigate the theme.
  2. Dossier submitted/proposed by researchers for evaluation/approval by the Editorial Board of the journal, with themes that meet the scope of the journal.


Regardless the type of proposal, the thematic dossier should follow the following general guidelines:

  1. The dossier should have a maximum of three organizers, preferably from different institutions.
  2. The dossier a minimum of eight and a maximum of twelve articles.
  3. The articles may result from research or theoretical essays, clearly related to the focused theme.
  4. The dossier should contain at least two articles with main authorship of foreign author(s), linked to the academic institution(s) abroad, with publication of the text in the language of origin and in Portuguese.
  5. The authors of the articles that make up the dossier must be linked to different academic institutions, in order to guarantee regional diversity.
  6. For the body of referees, regional diversity must also be guaranteed regarding the institutional link of the evaluators and, if possible, being composed of international researchers.

6.1 The list of reviewers will be published on the journal's website at the end of each year, together with the names of the other reviewers who issued a report that same year.

6.2 REPOD's editorial team is responsible for the submission of the statements to the referees.

  1. In view of the issue of endogeny, a maximum of one author article linked to the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) per dossier will be allowed.

7.1. Given the submission and approval of more than one article, the following criteria will be followed, in this order:

a) Priority for one of the organizers of the dossier, in case it is linked to UFU.

b) Longer timelapse form the last publication by the author in the journal;

c) Progressive order of the submission date.

8. As a part of the dossier, the inclusion of an interview with a researcher who is a reference in the theme addressed in the issue is indicated. It should be noted, however, that the interview is not counted as part of the minimum and maximum number of articles requested in letter “a” of this guideline.

9. Likewise, the publication of a review that has the same thematic axis as the one defined for the dossier is recommended.

10. The articles, review and interview of the dossier must follow the norms of the journal, defined in the guidelines for authors, such as: the number of authors per article, the identification data of the authors, plagiarism and self-plagiarism policy and the responsibility of the author(s) for the full translation of the article in English, if the article is approved.

10.1. It should be noted that the author of a text written in a foreign language, if approved, must send along with the final version of the article the full translation of the text in Portuguese.

  1. The organizer(s) of the dossier, after having their proposal approved, will have six months for the publication organization process (dissemination and invitation to authors; invitation to reviewers in the area; double-blind evaluation process; preparation of the presentation of the dossier, among other procedures) and delivery of all files in final version to the Journal Council.
  2. Along with the files requested by the Council, the organizer(s) should submit the following documents for each manuscript: a) Statement of Originality, Authorship and Accountability of each article; b) Statement of Portuguese language proofreding of the manuscript.
  3. The files, in the final version, must be in accordance with the template of the journal, available at
  4. The processing of the dossier should preferably take place through the platform Open Journal Systems (OJS), being the articles submitted by the address, or by email, created exclusively and particularly for each dossier, and which will be managed by the proponent organizer(s).
  5. The editorial team of the journal will define a person from the Editorial Council to follow up and properly support the organizer(s).
  6. The editorial team is responsible for the final layout of the articles.
  7. The editorial team is responsible for the inclusion of the final in its final version in the OJS platform.


Specific guidelines regarding the type of dossier submission

Type 1: Dossier with a theme defined by an Editorial Council of the journal, which sends the invitation the researcher(s) who investigate the theme.

a) The Editorial Council will define the dossier theme and send the invitation to researcher(s) of the field.

b) The Editorial Council will organize a schedule indicating the publication date of the dossier.

c) The organizer(s) of the dossier that accept(s) the invitation must present a previous summary, as soon as they send a positive response to the journal, containing:

I - indication of the dossier's title;

II - name of the organizer(s), with the respective indication of the institution to which they are linked, address of the lattes curriculum and ORCID;

III- summary containing the dossier's theme, justification of the relevance of its approach and general goal of the publication. 


Type 2: Dossier submitted/proposed by researcher(s) for review/approval by the Editorial Council of the journal, with themes that meet the scope of the journal.

a) REPOD accepts proposal submissions from researcher(s) for the organization of the dossier, which must be sent to the Editorial Council by email:

b) The proposal must meet the scope of the journal. For this guarantee, the proponent(s) should send the following data for the Editorial Council's review.

I- indication of the dossier's title;

II - name of the organizer(s), with the respective indication of the institution to which they are linked, address of the lattes curriculum and ORCID;

III. -summary containing the dossier's theme, justification of the relevance of its approach and general goal of the publication. 

c- The dossier proposal submitted to the journal will be reviewed by the Editorial Council, which is responsible for deciding whether or not to approve the proposal, as well as for defining the issue of the journal of which the dossier will be part.