Implementation and Results of the Pilot Project for Indigenous and Quilombola Student Permanence at UFT: An Experience Report
Student Assistance, Permanence in Higher Education, Indigenous Peoples, Quilombola Communities, Public PoliciesAbstract
In 2023, the Porto Nacional campus of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), in a pioneering way, designed and executed a pilot project for the reception and permanence of Indigenous and Quilombola students in the university. The action aimed to welcome, integrate, and foster permanence and scholarships and other pays based on programs established by the UFT, such as those listed in Consuni Resolutions No. 26/2017 and No. 48/2021, to serve students who are the project’s target audience in an equitable way. The actions were developed by the campus management and its subunits, such as the Academic Coordination (Cordac), the Internship and Student Assistance Division (Diest), Transport Sector (Setran), Tutorial Education Program (Indigenous PET) and the Pro -Rectories of Student Assistance (Proest), Extension, Culture and Community Affairs (Proex) and Graduation (Prograd), together with external partnerships, such as Indigenous and Quilombola leaders from the Regional Education Directorate (DRE) of Porto Nacional; the Municipal Youth Foundation of Porto Nacional; and the Local Coordination of the National Indigenous Foundation (Funai) of Tocantínia. In this article, we present an experience report, analyzing the proposed indicators of some of the actions among the seven dimensions of its action: reception, housing, food, transportation, social inclusion, and psychosocial and pedagogical support. The pilot project was successful in initial actions, such as guidance, housing and food. For future editions, it aims to expand reception, improve information and resource flow, and increase the campus academic community’s participation to ensure continuity and success.
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