Integrating Gestalt Principles in Cartography: Usability Assessment of Point Symbols for Multiscale Reference Mapping

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Thais Silva Ramos
Adriana Alexandria Machado
Andrea Faria Andrade
Silvana Philippi Camboim


Topographic maps have evolved from analogue charts to integrated, agile and interoperable databases. However, multiscale cartographic representation and the ubiquitous consumer environment still require significant adaptations. In Brazil, outdated cartographic standards do not keep up with this integration of scales. This study focused on the selection, proposal and evaluation of point symbols for the 1:10,000 and 1:25,000 scales, which are correlated with symbols at the 1:2000 scale. Using Gestalt theories, which emphasise the perception of whole objects before their parts, the research supported the creation of symbols that guarantee clarity and perceptual effectiveness, regardless of the scale or complexity of the data. The methodology involved user collaboration from the outset, applying a formativemethodtocreategraphicrepresentationsbasedonpredefinedconcepts. Subsequently, symbols were developed and assessed for visual pregnance and influence on the reading process. Choice and Selection Tests were conducted using mobile and desktop devices to identify the best symbol options, followed by Map Reading Task Tests on an online platform, assessing detection, discrimination, and recognition. The results revealed that symbols with higher pregnance are more effective, suggesting their applicability in multi-scale contexts. This study demonstrates the importance of applying Gestalt to modern cartography, emphasising all aspects of usability: effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, in cartographic communication.


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RAMOS, T. S.; MACHADO, A. A.; ANDRADE, A. F.; CAMBOIM, S. P. Integrating Gestalt Principles in Cartography: Usability Assessment of Point Symbols for Multiscale Reference Mapping. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 76, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv76n0a-73559. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.
Cartography and GIS


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