Study of Separation of Geoid and Quasigeoid in the State of Rio Grande do Sul

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Susana Amaral Torres
Sérgio Florêncio de Souza
Rodrigo da Silva Ferraz


In 2018, the IBGE aligns itself with international recommendations by determining the so-called normal heights. As a result, the need to model the Separation between Geoid and QuasiGeoid (SGQG) was created to allow the conversion between normal and orthometric heights for countries that choose to use the latter. This study proposes evaluate the value of the SGQG, from the differences between the orthometric and normal heights. For the development of this study were used: altimetric data and gravimetric data; density map of topographic masses derived from the geological map; as well as the coefficients of the Global Geopotential Model EGM2008. The methodology consists of calculating and evaluating the orthometric height obtained from the geopotential number, with the value of the constant and variable lateral topographic density; determine the SGQG from the difference between the orthometric and normal heights, and verify the discrepancies in relation to the SGQG obtained from the difference between the height anomaly and the geoid undulation of the EGM2008 model. The results show that the SGQG presents a variation between   cm to 10 cm, with the largest discrepancies are observed in the municipality of São José dos Ausentes and its surroundings. The neglect of omitting the effects of lateral topographic density in determining of orthometric height was estimated at 2 cm. The results showed the need for the effective incorporation of variations in the densities of topographic masses to the SGQG calculations, when the determination of orthometric heights is desired.


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TORRES, S. A.; SOUZA, S. F. de; FERRAZ, R. da S. Study of Separation of Geoid and Quasigeoid in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 75, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv75n0a-67481. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 feb. 2025.


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