Assessment of Positional Accuracy and Completeness in Center Pivot Areas Identified with the Hough Transform in a Multitemporal Analysis

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Gisele Horta Barroso Miranda
Ricardo Soares Ramos
Afonso de Paula dos Santos
Lígia da Silva Barbosa
Marconi Martins Cunha
Nilcilene das Graças Medeiros


Considering the importance of irrigated agriculture for the country, mainly for food production, being able to delimit and estimate the planted areas becomes of paramount importance for the management of water resources. However, with the growing popularization of spatial information acquisition and editing tools, the evaluation of the quality of the generated cartographic products is of fundamental importance in order to have confidence in the information obtained. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the positional quality and completeness of the features that represent the crop areas with irrigation by a center pivot, obtained by a semi-automatic feature extraction process based on the Hough Transform, from 9 Landsat images 8 of different days. For the evaluation of positional accuracy of the identified areas, two methods were used: the traditional method by homologous points and the Double Buffer linear feature method. As for the completeness assessment, the commission and omission metrics from INDE's ET-CQDG were used. The results showed that, when performing the sum of bands 4 and 5 for the 9 days, the omission dropped from 34% to 2.61%. As for the evaluation of positional accuracy, using Decree No. 89.817 and ET-CQDG, the cartographic product presented a classification B for the 1:100,000 scale by the homologous point comparison method, while the Double Buffer method indicated a more restrictive classification, placing the product in class C for the same scale.


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MIRANDA, G. H. B.; RAMOS, R. S.; SANTOS , A. de P. dos; BARBOSA, L. da S.; CUNHA , M. M.; MEDEIROS, N. das G. Assessment of Positional Accuracy and Completeness in Center Pivot Areas Identified with the Hough Transform in a Multitemporal Analysis. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, [S. l.], v. 75, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv75n0a-63468. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.
Cartography and GIS


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