The National Curricular Common Basis and the forms of subjectivation of the Mathematics teacher
Educational policy, Curriculum and power, Mathematical trainingAbstract
The article proposes a debate concerning the propositions of the National Curricular Common Basis (NCCB) and its impacts in the training of teachers who teach mathematics. In order to do so, the main question is: “Which profile of Math teacher at Elementary Schools is expected by the NCCB?”. The discourse analysis was used in the understanding of relations of power that arise from the Basis discourse. Concerning the curriculum, school knowledge and subjectivations, Apple (2001 e 2006) and Silva (1999) supported the discussions, enabling the perception that the NCCB, as a guiding document, suggest Mathematics as a human science — produced by different social groups. However, it presents a hegemonic discourse, prioritizing certain knowledge and skills.
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