Chuá Vertex - His Situation and the Necessity of Conservation of Brazilian Historical Cartography Monuments

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Antonio Carlos Freire Sampaio
Adriany de Ávila Melo Sampaio
Bruna Costa de Oliveira Cerissi
Rafael Tiago dos Santos Silva


This study aims to warn the cartographic community to the need for preservation of historical monuments of Cartography Brazilian and present the current status of one of the benchmarks, the geodesic and systematic mapping of the
Brazilian territory. Be the consideration of this point to be present in most topographic maps studied in the disciplines
of cartography, for the courses of Cartographic Engineering, Engineering Surveying, Geography and others, either
by the consideration that this monument should already be part of the Historical Cartography our country - the datum
system South America Datum 1969 (SAD-69) - the apex Chua.


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How to Cite
SAMPAIO, A. C. F.; SAMPAIO, A. de Ávila M.; CERISSI, B. C. de O.; SILVA, R. T. dos S. Chuá Vertex - His Situation and the Necessity of Conservation of Brazilian Historical Cartography Monuments. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 67, n. 4, p. 877–885, 2015. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv67n4-49126. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.