Reassentamento rural coletivo km-27 (RRC-27), Vitória do Xingu/PA, by riverside families impacted by UHE-Belo Monte, Brazil


  • Nathany Melo Machado Arcanjo Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA
  • José Antonio Herrera Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA. Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia - PPGEO - UFPA - Belém / Faculdade de Geografia - Campus Universitário de Altamira.
  • Darlene Costa da Silva Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA



Amazon, Belo Monte, Displacement, Agrarian Space, Large-scale Projects


Brazil has its economic growth based on the exploitation of natural resources, disposed mainly in the Amazon region, through the implementation of large-scale projects, which provide transformations in the spatial dynamics of the local subject. For example, there is the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant (UHE-Belo Monte) in Volta Grande do Xingu - PA, because its buildings generated the compulsory displacement of several families living in the areas of influence of the enterprise, causing deformations in traditional ways of life of the riverine subjects, misrepresenting their origins and, obligatorily, transforming them into individuals of the city or family farmers. Given these transformations in the region, the objective of this research was to understand the production of the Reassentamento Rural Coletivo ​km -27, located in Vitória do Xingu - PA (RRC-27), which aims to provide equivalent or better conditions than those that the families had before the implementation of the plant. For the primary data survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the resettled families in 2017, 2018 and 2019, allowing the apprehension of the reality of the relocated families, and besides the field research, the official documents referring to the object of study. It has been found that compulsorily displaced families seek to establish new production modes, new strategies and new spatial dynamics in the new space, trying to adapt to what external agents impose as a reproduction aid for their new ways of life.


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Author Biographies

Nathany Melo Machado Arcanjo, Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGeo) and graduate in the bachelor's course in geography of the Federal University of the State of Pará. Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, active member of the Laboratory of Studies of Territorial Dynamics in the Amazon - LEDTAM, volunteer researcher at: Xingu Research Network - REDEX, Xingu Training and Information Center - CEFORM and Amazon Foundation for Studies and Test Research - Fapespa.

José Antonio Herrera, Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA. Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia - PPGEO - UFPA - Belém / Faculdade de Geografia - Campus Universitário de Altamira.

Professor/pesquisador da Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA / Campus de Altamira, lotado na Faculdade de Geografia. Possui graduação em Licenciatura Plena Em Ciências Agrárias pela Universidade Federal do Pará (2001) e mestrado em Agriculturas Amazônicas pela Universidade Federal do Pará (2003). Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Econômico, Espaço e Meio Ambiente pelo Instituto de Economia da UNICAMP. Tem experiência na área de Economia, com ênfase em Desenvolvimento Econômico, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Dinâmicas Agrárias; Economia Agrária e dos Recursos Naturais; Produção Agropecuária Familiar; Gestão dos Recursos Naturais.

Darlene Costa da Silva, Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Pará (2013). Master in Geography from the Federal University of Pará/PPGEO (2016). PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Rondônia (2020). He is currently a postdoctoral fellow of the Land Use and Guarantee Project, with Sustainable Practices in the Forever Green Reserve / Port of Moz-PA, within the framework of the Project on Climate and Land Use (CLUA), signed with the Foundation for the Support of Research and Development (FADESP) and the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). He focuses his research in the field of geography, mainly on the following topics: traditional population, hydroelectric, territory, Amazon, rural resettlement. Participation in the specialization in Afro-Brazilian history and culture by the National Institute of Education. Graduated in pedagogy from the College of Maranhão (2020). Attend the specialization in special educational care and special education at UNOPAR. Participation in the specialization Integrated School Management with phase of administration, supervision, orientation and school inspection by EDUCAMAIS. Participation in the SPECIALIZATION INTEGRATED SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES BY EDUCAMAIS. She worked in elementary school, working as a literacy teacher and in geography education for elementary and middle school students. Act in higher education in undergraduate courses in geography and pedagogy. Researcher at the Laboratory of Studies on Territorial Dynamics in the Amazon (LEDTAM) and in the Amazon Spatial Planning Group. (GOT)



How to Cite

ARCANJO, N. M. M.; HERRERA, J. A.; SILVA, D. C. da. Reassentamento rural coletivo km-27 (RRC-27), Vitória do Xingu/PA, by riverside families impacted by UHE-Belo Monte, Brazil. Revista Campo-Território, Uberlândia, v. 17, n. 48, p. 81–108, 2022. DOI: 10.14393/RCT174865974. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.


