Revista Campo-Território 2024-10-23T09:18:29-03:00 João Cleps Junior Open Journal Systems <p>A Campo-Território: revista de Geografia Agrária, criada em 2006, registrada sob o número ISSN:1809-6271, é uma publicação do grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros de Geografia Agrária. A revista é editada quadrimestralmente e em caráter excepcional, poderá haver também números especiais. Sendo veículo de registro e divulgação científica, tem como objetivos: a) publicar trabalhos inéditos de revisão crítica sobre tema pertinente à Geografia Agrária e áreas afins ou resultados de pesquisas de natureza empírica, experimental ou conceitual; b) fomentar o intercâmbio de experiências em sua especialidade com outras Instituições, nacionais ou estrangeiras, que mantenham publicações congêneres; c) defender e respeitar os princípios do pluralismo de ideias filosóficas, políticas e científicas.</p> Reflexiones frente a la producción del Territorio en la Zona de Reserva Campesina Pato-Balsillas, Municipio de San Vicente del Caguán, Depto. Caquetá, Colombia 2024-09-23T09:59:05-03:00 Sergio Borda Leon <p>La producción del territorio, representa un enfoque frente al concepto de territorio, concibiendo al territorio como un producto de un tejido de relaciones sociales, donde el “poder” es el hilo conductor. Esta perspectiva, parte de concebir que la vivencia territorial está inmerso en un sistema tridimensional sociedad-espacio-tiempo, donde se incorporan otros atributos adicionales. Es así como en el trabajo de campo, a partir de entrevistas abiertas y observación participante (Zona de Reserva Campesina Pato-Balsillas, Municipio de San Vicente del Caguán, depto. Del Caquetá, Colombia) busca un análisis territorial de la ZRC Pato-Balsillas, a partir de la categoría “Producción del Territorio”, integrando los atributos definidos para este concepto. Así mismo, se advirtió la importancia de los movimientos sociales como dinamizadores de las relaciones sociales, en ese sentido se busca establecer su incidencia en la “Producción del territorio”.</p> 2024-11-13T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Campo-Território Huixtán, Chiapas, México: un modelo de transición agroecológica desde la perspectiva campesina 2024-10-23T09:18:29-03:00 Aura Patricia Juárez Juárez Emanuel Gómez-Martínez <p>El propósito es analizar los progresos y obstáculos de la política pública de transición agroecológica en Huixtán, Chiapas. Metodología: consiste en un estudio de casos fundamentado en la revisión documental, encuestas, talleres participativos y entrevistas a actores clave de las comunidades Adolfo López Mateos y Carmen Yalchuch. Se aborda la discusión teórica sobre la transición social agroecológica, enfocándose en las dimensiones técnico-productivas y políticas para examinar las implicaciones de la Estrategia de Acompañamiento Técnico del programa Producción por el Bienestar con los campesinos de Huixtán. Resultados: las tierras marginales de escasa productividad, los factores climáticos, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y el acceso al agua son determinantes en la actividad agrícola. Los campesinos emplean diversas técnicas y prácticas agrícolas para garantizar la cosecha de maíz (<em>Zea mayz</em>) y frijol (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>). La disponibilidad de agua en las comunidades es limitada, lo que afecta la producción de bioinsumos promovidos en las Escuelas de Campo. El estudio registra la experiencia de agricultores de maíz de temporal en un municipio de Los Altos de Chiapas. Conclusión: la transición hacia sistemas agroecológicos está influenciada por aspectos técnicos productivos, así como por factores sociales que la condicionan y desafían.</p> 2024-11-13T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Campo-Território Far-right political forces in Brazil may push the Amazon to a tipping point 2024-09-18T19:01:57-03:00 Gustavo Rodrigues Canale Marco Antonio Mitidiero Junior Leonardo de Carvalho Oliveira Luciana Gosi Pacca Ane Auxiliadora Costa Alencar Tasso Azevedo Larissa Mies Bombardi Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias Fernanda Jófej Kaingáng Marcos Reis Rosa Rafaella Almeida Silvestrini Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves Leandro Jerusalinsky <p>The spatial distribution of votes for the 2022’s presidential election in Brazil overlaid with the range of the Brazilian biomes indicated a political division within these ecoregions. A high number of supporters to the far-right concentrated in the southern Amazon, while a concentration of votes for the center-left wing was observed in the most pristine region of the Brazilian Amazon and also in the Caatinga biome. In the Legal Amazon, there was a strong positive relation between the proportion of votes per municipality for the far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro and the total forest loss accumulated in the last 36 years prior to this election (1985-2021) in each municipality. This region with a historical high rate of deforestation also concentrates various crimes and practices that drive environmental and social impacts, such as land grabbing in public land, mining in indigenous territories, illegal logging in protected areas, expulsion of traditional populations and increased use of agro-chemicals and gun permits. The strengthening and continued convergence of these policies and practices may lead the Amazon to a tipping point, which prevents the recovery and maintenance of its ecosystem services, triggering irreversible environmental, social and economic impacts. Reversing this trend depends on measures and actions of the executive, legislative and judicial powers, in all three spheres (municipal, state and federal), and involves the election of local and regional political forces that represent counterpoints to the anti-socio-environmental agendas that are being strengthened in the current context.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Campo-Território Between “modernity” and “postmodernity” 2024-09-23T09:55:08-03:00 Marcos Aurelio Saquet <p>This text is critical and denounces the disguises used academically and scientifically in discourses called “modern” and “postmodern,” which attempt to appear critical and valid for different times, spaces, and subjects. These narratives claim to be universal and global, and are usually centered on large and complex urban centers, neglecting differences and inequalities, desires and needs, ecosystems and ruralities, contributing to perpetuating North-Eurocentric and colonial approaches. Thus, there is an increasingly urgent need for theoretical and practical subversion, to build our own sciences and philosophies, decolonized, popular, and original, based on the singularities of each time and space, place, and territory, to meet the needs and dreams, in favor of preserving the lives of all.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Campo-Território Social innovation and “other” knowledges 2024-09-25T15:38:59-03:00 Marcia Regina Ferreira Daniel Gustavo Fleig <p>By examining the intersection of sexism and racism in the university, we seek to reflect on the construction of knowledge and how this formal space of knowledge creation can contribute not to reproduce and repeat offered models, but rather build an “other” education. It is argued that the educational context cannot be analyzed without considering the project of modernity, coloniality, racialization, and violence in our country. After all, this coloniality is also present in the university. Starting from this colonial legacy of the knowledge structure (epistemic racism/sexism), the coloniality of power (domination and asymmetry in relationships), and understanding its implications in university life, this essay aims to address decoloniality and to think about social innovations through the valorization of marginalized knowledge (“other” bodies), in order to reflect upon what does formal knowledge construction have to do with it. As a result, the fissures in the Eurocentric wall produced through social innovations and other knowledges are presented, highlighting the contributions and challenges of formal knowledge in Brazil. With fundamental elements such as interculturality, decolonization, and decoloniality, the essay indicates that in recent decades universities have become a space for announcing and denouncing social, cognitive, and relational injustices. This change is occurring through the emergence of new configurations of educational institutions in Brazil. Finally, this feeling-thinking [<em>sentir-pensar</em>] about education is considered as a social innovation, as it presents new praxis that articulate love, pedagogy, humanities, and liberation, as found in critical interculturality and the biopraxis of Latin American education.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Campo-Território