Collocations in school dictionaries

some reflections




Pedagogical Lexicography, Phraseology, Collocations


With this work, the objective is to carry out a metalexicographic study on the treatment given to collocations in four school dictionaries of the PNLD, type 4: Aulete (2011), Bechara (2011), Borba (2011), Houaiss (2011). Seven entries were analyzed: units to render, to take, consideration, torrential, copiously, densely and torrent. It was guided by theoretical and methodological principles of Pedagogical Lexicography, in particular Hartmann (2001), Porto Dapena (2002), Castillo Carballo; García Platero (2003), Molina García (2006), Welker (2011), Krieger; Müller (2018), Vargas (2018); and Phraseology, with Penadés Martínez (1999), Biderman (1998a; 1998b; 2005), González Rey (2010), among others. Specific objectives: i) to describe each excerpt of the entry in which the collocations are registered and to classify them according to the typology presented by Corpas Pastor (1996); ii) compare the entries, with regard to the registration of collocations, in order to verify the similarities or differences between them; iii) discuss how appropriate these dictionaries are for high school students, taking into account their level of competence in the language in accordance with the official documents that guide teaching and learning in Basic Education. The analyzes showed that there is not a homogeneous treatment within each work, which indicates the need for further studies aimed at proposing parameters for a more didactic record of this type of units in the lexicographic repertoires. Despite the lack of standardization of recording locutions in the dictionaries studied, they can be used in the classroom, with due guidance from teachers.


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Author Biography

Raquel Di Fabio, UFMS

Doutoranda em Letras no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul/UFMS/Três Lagoas/MS.


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How to Cite

DI FABIO, R. Collocations in school dictionaries: some reflections. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 8, p. e0805, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/Lex-v8a2022/23-5. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Lexicografia em Foco