The linguistic variation in Portuguese spoken in the paraense northeast countryside
Sociolinguistics, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, PluridimensionalAbstract
This article presents the report of the development of the research “Semantic and Lexical Aspects of the Portuguese spoken in Pará”, undertaken with the objective of mapping the semantic and lexical aspects of the variety of Portuguese spoken in survey points constituted by the rural areas of the municipalities Inhangapi, Irituia, Marapanim, São Domingos do Capim e São Miguel do Guamá, members of the Amazon region of Pará. The study was guided by the theoretical framework of multidimensional and relational dialectology developed by Thun (1998b) and also by the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Sociolinguistics and Geolinguistics, with reference to authors such as Cardoso and Ferreira (1994), Aguilera (2005), Brandão (2005) and Labov (2008), among others. At each point of inquiry, considering the variables of sex, age and education, ten informants were chosen, which represented the sample population, being applied the semantic-lexical questionnaire (QSL) of the Linguistic Atlas Project of Brazil (ALiB). The analyzes were performed considering the dimensions: diatopic, diageneric and diagenerational variation in the informants' speech. The results were presented in glossaries and linguistic letters to demonstrate the importance of dialectological research for the knowledge of the lexical norm of a geographic space.
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