The uses of “spoiler” as neologism in Brazilian portuguese
Neology, Loanwords, Foreignism, LexicologyAbstract
The English word “spoiler” has been in circulation in the Brazilian Portuguese language since mid-2004. It is used as a warning about the anticipation of important facts of some narrative of literature, films, TV shows or games. This is what shows data from the "Google Trends" tool, dictionaries, and texts from newspaper websites such as “Folha de S. Paulo”, “O Globo”, “O Estado de São Paulo” and “Extra”. In recent years, we've verified the popularity of this word, which has led to an increase in employment contexts. This characterizes a process of semantic adaptation marked by polysemy, which shows its transition from a stage of foreignism to loanwords (ALVES, 2002). It is this variability of linguistic uses that we study in this article, based on theories and concepts of Guilbert (1974), Alves (2002) and Sablayrolles (2000), among other authors. According to the analyzes, the word “spoiler” is in the process of being integrated into the Portuguese lexicon and demonstrates different types of linguistic adaptation. Initial studies show that “spoiler” as neologism behaves similarly in other Romance languages, such as French and Spanish, which suggests clues for further research.
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