Incommeasurable magnitudes and irrational numbers




Commensurable, incommeasurable, irrational


Some books on the history of mathematics argue that the discovery of incommeasurable quantities, around the 5th century, Before the Common Era, was followed by a crisis of logical foundations in the structures of mathematics. We noticed, from some publications and articles, that this fundamental crisis may have been a mistake or a misinterpretation of ancient writings, because, if it had occurred, it did not alter the rumors of Greek discoveries. Eudoxo's proposed solution stems from the evolution of studies that were ongoing and, two millennia later, served as the basis for the construction of Dedekind's cuts, basic to the conception of the rigorous concept of real numbers (rational and irrational). This bibliographical research work aims to revisit and resume, from the historical mathematical character, the main ideas that emerged with the emergence of incommensurable quantities and their particularities, from Greek antiquity, through their consummation that culminated in the formal idea of irrational numbers until we reach the present day. As the main contribution of this work, we highlight the presentation of new perspectives and approaches to the topic in vogue based on looks at the past through historical facts, making it possible to understand how the chains of ideas took place over time, enabling the expansion of understanding of mathematical objects and concepts today.



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Author Biographies

Fabrício Oliveira Silva, Escola Estadual Osmundo Gonzaga Filho

Fabrício Oliveira Silva is a math teacher with a solid educational background and significant professional experience. He graduated in Mathematics from the State University of Goiás in 2012, followed by a dedicated academic path to obtain his master's degree in Mathematics from the Federal University of Goiás in 2020. Currently, he works as a teacher in the public school system in the city of Caldas Novas in the state of Goiás. His classroom experience is focused on teaching mathematics and physics, and he has publications covering the history and philosophy of mathematics. He has a deep interest in arithmetic and irrational numbers.

Márcio Roberto Rocha Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Catalão

Marcio Roberto Rocha Ribeiro is a professor in the field of Mathematics, with a solid educational background and significant professional experience. He graduated in Mathematics from the Federal University of Goiás in 1996, followed by a dedicated academic journey in obtaining his master's and doctoral degrees in Mathematics from the University of Brasília, respectively, in 1999 and 2008. Currently, he shares his knowledge as a professor of higher education at the Federal University of Catalão. His expertise is focused on the area of Mathematics, with specialization in Non-Commutative Algebra Groups. Throughout his career, Marcio Roberto Rocha Ribeiro has demonstrated a constant commitment to academic dedication, the advancement of knowledge, and higher education.


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How to Cite

SILVA, F. O.; RIBEIRO, M. R. R. Incommeasurable magnitudes and irrational numbers. BRAZILIAN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Uberlândia, v. 5, n. especial - SiTAPEM, p. 78–93, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/BEJOM-v5-2024-71830. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.