Sociocultural Practices in Mathematical Languages in the School of the Earth Program
Earth School, Rural Education, Ethnomathematics, Mathematical Languages, TocantinsAbstract
This is papper intends to socialize the experiences lived during the training of teachers in some small towns of the State of Tocantins, marked by the pandemic (COVID-19) but, mainly, by knowledge so diverse and inseparable for the promotion of social life. Therefore, it was necessary to reflect on pedagogical practices for the formation of mathematics teaching, in order to find viable strategies to be able to experience and share learning, with Ethnomathematics as the main focus. The important thing was to look for the lived reality as a reference, to show the mathematics present in various sociocultural elements. It is about thinking mathematics through an approach that takes into account the production of knowledge of individuals in each group or context. An attempt was made to break, through ethnomathematics, with a universalist vision and to show the diversity of sociocultural knowledge. The knowledge must dialogue with reality, that is, there is no knowledge that is not contextual. The interaction with each student/teacher at rural school provided questions and different ways of thinking and saying the real without there being a hierarchy, a model of truth established by Eurocentrism.
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