Semiotic registers in the resolution of introductory problems of Probability: analysis of productions of Pedagogy students
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We present results of an investigative work carried out with the objective of identifying and understanding the registers of semiotic representation of probabilistic problems, mobilized by Pedagogy students. This is a qualitative research, a case study type, which analyzed representation records produced by a group of fourteen students of the Degree in Pedagogy, in the period from July 27 to August 2, 2022, in the course of the subject Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Mathematics Teaching, linked to the National Program for the Formation of Basic Education Teachers (PARFOR), at a public university in a public university in the State of Pará. The theoretical framework of this investigation is centered on the approaches in terms of the Records of Semiotic Representation of the French philosopher and psychologist Raymond Duval. The didactic sequence, elaborated by the professor of the discipline, presented two problems of probabilistic recognition. The results obtained point to the deepening of the understanding of the objects of knowledge investigated from the resolution of probabilistic problems that mobilized the varied representation and changes in the register of semiotic representation by the students.
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