Conceptions and Reinterpretations shared by teachers who teach Mathematics in the Early Years about Statistics in continuing education meetings

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Marcelo Pereira Rizzi
Keli Cristina Conti


In this article, we seek to describe the conceptions that teachers who teach Mathematics in the Early Years have about the teaching of Statistics, promoting a re-signification of shared conceptions. We aim to bring these elements to (re)think the formation of teachers who teach Mathematics, contributing to the resolution of challenges faced by these professionals, in addition to bringing proposals for the construction of skills related to Statistics by students. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach from a perspective of collaborative work, valuing the experience and knowledge that the professors bring, giving voice to these professionals. The results demonstrate a probable absence of teaching Statistics in initial training courses, in addition to bringing the perspective of collaborative work as an element that favors the sharing of knowledge in continuing education. We conclude that there is a need for continuing education on Statistics with these professionals, as well as a reformulation of the curricula content taught in the initial training.


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Rizzi, M. P., & Conti, K. C. (2023). Conceptions and Reinterpretations shared by teachers who teach Mathematics in the Early Years about Statistics in continuing education meetings . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 30(Contínua), e033.
DOSSIER 1 - Statistical Education: research and contemporary perspectives


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