Robotics in the elementary school and the science and mathematics curriculum: reflections based on a concrete experience

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Sabrina Espíndola Gonzaga
Alessandra Rodrigues


This qualitative study analyzes possible articulations of the science curriculum with an educational robotics project developed in Elementary School based on document analysis and interviews with teachers who are part of the project. The results indicate gaps in information in school documents, especially with regard to evaluation, both in the Robotics Project (RP) and in the Pedagogical Proposal. Even though there is a partial articulation of the prescribed curriculum of the National Common Curricular Base in Brazil with the RP, the data show that there is no reconfiguration and re-signification of this curriculum in the local context. The study points out that educational robotics can be a promising resource for pedagogical activities that favor the development of logical thinking, criticism and perception of the relationship between curricular content and society , as long as the educational actions have pedagogical intentions and are clearly articulated both to the prescribed and experienced curriculum.


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Gonzaga, S. E., & Rodrigues, A. (2023). Robotics in the elementary school and the science and mathematics curriculum: reflections based on a concrete experience . Ensino Em Re-Vista, 30(Contínua), e024.


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