The teaching of mathematics in the Brazilian secondary school: a look from the Jesuit Pedro Browe at the beginning of the 20th century

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Silvio Luiz Martins Britto
Malcus Cassiano Kuhn
Arno Bayer


The study addresses the article The Mathematics in the Gymnasial course, published in 1906, in the annual report of the Gymnasium Nossa Senhora da Conceição in São Leopoldo/RS. As the theme is inserted in the History of Mathematical Education, this qualitative and documentary study is supported by historical research. The article deals of the Mathematics in Brazilian secondary school, at the beginning of the 20th century, from the look of Jesuit Pedro Browe. He considers that the Brazilian secondary school program is presented in a theoretical way, has not space for practical applications. The contents are worked in just four years, less time than European countries. Standing out in the fields of arithmetic and algebra, he defends the intuitive method in secondary school in mathematics in Brazil, influenced by the German gymnasium and based on the Ratio Studiorum. The teaching of mathematics should be practical and utilitarian, as this area is appropriate to develop reasoning, autonomy and reason.


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Britto, S. L. M. ., Kuhn, M. C. ., & Bayer, A. . (2022). The teaching of mathematics in the Brazilian secondary school: a look from the Jesuit Pedro Browe at the beginning of the 20th century. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 29(Contínua), e021.


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