The curricular documents that guide the teaching of mathematics in the first year of elementary school in Brazil and in Chile: a preliminary analysis

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Edvonete Souza de Alencar
Patricia dos Santos de Jesus
Danilo Díaz-Levicoy


In recent years there are many concerns regarding the currículum. Thus, this article aims to identify how the curricular documents are proposing the teaching of mathematics in the first of elementary school in Brazil and Chile. For this, we conducted a qualitative research of documental type based on Ludke and André, in which we selected the current curriculum documents from Brazil and Chile. We identified important similarities, both in the defined learning axes and in the topics covered in them.


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How to Cite
Alencar, E. S. de ., Jesus, P. dos S. de ., & Díaz-Levicoy, D. . . (2020). The curricular documents that guide the teaching of mathematics in the first year of elementary school in Brazil and in Chile: a preliminary analysis. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 27(3), 838–856.
Dossier: Curriculum in Mathematics Education II


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