Local Ecological Knowledge and education through research: ground for a contextualized science education

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Camila Alvez Islas
Greici Maia Behling
Samuel Molina Schnorr


The goal of this research was to find ways to contextualize science education subjects of a primary school through a study which investigated the local ecological knowledge of the surrounding community, in the municipality of Capão do Leão, RS, Brazil. We conducted semi-structured interviews and analyzed the answers through a content analysis method. Two categories emerged from the results, from which we suggest how to use the findings from the local ecological knowledge in science education and also in educational outreach projects directed to the community. In addition, we linked the research conducted with the possibility of inserting the students in the research process as researchers. We conclude that it is powerful to contextualize the contents of science education through the ecological knowledge hold by local communities research, as well as providing an environment on which the students can act as investigators and learn through research.


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Islas, C. A., Behling, G. M., & Schnorr, S. M. (2018). Local Ecological Knowledge and education through research: ground for a contextualized science education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 25(2), 506–525. https://doi.org/10.14393/ER-v25n2a2018-13


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