The High School Reform - 2017: notes on Teacher Training, Education and Physical Education

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Marta Genú Soares
Meriane Conceição Paiva Abreu
Carla Loyana Dias Teixeira


The high school reform and the Law 13.415 of February 16, 2017, are the subjects of analysis for this article that discusses the repercussion on Brazilian education inducedby political pressure, external to researchers of the field, regarding the teaching of physical education and the implications for teacher training. The article problematizes the characteristics of the physical education field expressed in law and the implications for teacher training. Methodologically, it uses the dialectical approach for bibliographical and documentary research and itassemblesa discourse analysis as research's technique. It concludes that the reform configures the physical education like a practice, idealizing a relation with theory; the law allows the use of the National Common Curriculum Basis document; it prioritizes the object of study from the perspective of the corporal culture of movement; it values the sports and conditioning gymnastics knowledge.


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How to Cite
Soares, M. G., Abreu, M. C. P., & Teixeira, C. L. D. (2018). The High School Reform - 2017: notes on Teacher Training, Education and Physical Education. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 25(2), 452–473.


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