Strategies for resistance, social reproduction and overcoming the Marinaleda campesinato against the crisis of neoliberal capitalism (Province of Seville, Spain)
The present objective study to analyze the experiences and strategies of resistance, reproduction and overcoming of the territorialized European peasantry in the agricultural community of Marinaleda (Province of Seville, Spain) against the crisis of world capitalism, in a comparative analysis with the processes of social reproduction of the territorialized Brazilian peasantry, especially, based on the political action of the peasant social movements in rural settlement projects of agrarian reform. In this sense, it is intended in this research to analyze in the referred spatiality the occupation processes led by peasant social movements, the implementation of cooperative systems and adoption of collective production / commercialization strategies, as well as, strategies established with the local public power and processes of consolidation of public policies with effective participation of the community, as a form of peasant territorial determination.