A microestrutura de um dicionário semibilíngue como ferramenta para a aprendizagem de alemão como língua estrangeira

The microstructure of a bilingualised dictionary as a tool for learning German as a foreign language


  • Carolina Domladovac Silva UNESP/ FCLAr
  • Clotilde de Almeida Azevedo Murakawa




ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the components of Wahrig: dicionário semibilíngue para brasileiros - alemão (2011) microstructure, in order to verify its contribution to foreign language learning. Through the collection of lexical units related to the pharmacy domain, as well as their respective entries, and consequently its microstructure, it is intended to verify both the lexicographic and/ or terminographic characteristics, as well as the pedagogical and/ or didactic characteristics of the dictionary in question. It is based on the theories of Pedagogical Lexicography (DURAN, 2004; DURAN; XATARA, 2007), which seeks to meet the needs of language learners, and of Pedagogical Metalexicography (DURAN; XATARA, 2006), whose development is necessary for the adequacy of dictionaries to the specificity and level of knowledge of foreign language learners. Through the analysis of entries collected based on a daily theme of use, that is, useful to learners/ professionals of different levels, it is also intended to recognize the characteristics that may or may not contribute to the elaboration of a pedagogical dictionary.

KEYWORDS: Pedagogical Lexicography. Pedagogical Metalexicography. Bilingualised dictionary. Definition.


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How to Cite

DOMLADOVAC SILVA, C.; DE ALMEIDA AZEVEDO MURAKAWA, C. A microestrutura de um dicionário semibilíngue como ferramenta para a aprendizagem de alemão como língua estrangeira: The microstructure of a bilingualised dictionary as a tool for learning German as a foreign language. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 147–166, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/Lex9-v5n1a2019-7. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/GTLex/article/view/52259. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.