The Moments
Éliane Chiron, «Loisirs de la vie moderne», colagem de imagens digitais, impressão jato de tinta sobre papel  (53x40 cm), 2015.
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How to Cite

Penhoat, H. (2024). The Moments. Revista Estado Da Arte, 4(2).
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My journey from the paper sketchbook to the video editing benches allowed me to understand that it was just a journey through time and not a change in work methodology. The analysis of my work “INSTANTS”, started in 2013, will help us understand this paradigm shift in what serves as a contemporary reference image, and what this new contemporary painting would be. We will question this new border between the real and the virtual, these new questions and consequences that this generates. Knowing that today, an image captured at a distance, which until now was limited to that authorized by the perception of our gaze, today has no limits. Revealing a mutation of the referent in the work of art which, depending on the time, place of life and technical advances, brings to light the artist's uniqueness.
PDF (Français (Canada))


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