The body of color
Éliane Chiron, «Loisirs de la vie moderne», colagem de imagens digitais, impressão jato de tinta sobre papel  (53x40 cm), 2015.
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Contemporary art

How to Cite

Giannotti, M. (2024). The body of color. Revista Estado Da Arte, 4(2).
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The article “The Body of Color”, presented by researcher Marco Gianotti, focuses on chemical colors in contemporary art. The development of the text is permeated by several theoretical notes, associated and exemplified through works of art by some artists located in different times and spaces. In the end, the author gives us his point of view, stating that although a limit has often been reached, where the color effectively seems to be diluted in space like a ray of light, it is undeniable that this new chromatic conception is related to a change in the attitude of the contemporary artist towards the work of art. The use of color in this case is not limited to research into chromatic harmony. Through color we have the constitution of a new plastic object, since colors have an objective and fundamental presence in contemporary works of art. Thus, the relationship between the work and the viewer is completely transformed. Space is no longer conceived as an ideal space, a priori, a pure form of intuition to be fulfilled, but as something that must be conceived as a process, a space open to new experiments.
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