Portrait of a body,
Éliane Chiron, «Loisirs de la vie moderne», colagem de imagens digitais, impressão jato de tinta sobre papel  (53x40 cm), 2015.
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How to Cite

Nolorve, C. H. (2024). Portrait of a body,: is there a color to represent identity?. Revista Estado Da Arte, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.14393/EdA-v4-n2-2023-72353
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Historically, portraiture focuses on the representation of the face, which best summarizes the past and present of the person portrayed. But despite everything, the portrait is part of the body that raises questions about territory, memory and identity. It is an object of reflection due to its connection with the sociocultural constructions of societies and considered as the basis of the multiplicity of subjects with which it is confronted daily. In art, it becomes an object of study whose materiality and chromatic diversity are explored by artists to create new discourses. The body and its representations have always been linked to the societies that represent them and their changes. But is there a color to represent identity?

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