The fight with pathosformel and form of « survival » d’affect between image, figure, peinture and bodies of artist
Éliane Chiron, «Loisirs de la vie moderne», colagem de imagens digitais, impressão jato de tinta sobre papel  (53x40 cm), 2015.
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How to Cite

Kanso, E. (2024). The fight with pathosformel and form of « survival » d’affect between image, figure, peinture and bodies of artist. Revista Estado Da Arte, 4(2).
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If you do not think about the act of painting today then it will be considered separate from the context of excessive circulation of the digital image. By evoking such practice, on understanding a practice that is analyzed in terms of action that passes the simple fact of «do the painting». Rethinking or redefining what concerns today is a question that arises, will be actualized in a context of urgent technology. Starting from my experience as a painter to an analysis of the work of Marlène Dumas, it is possible to outline a first definition of metaphorization. The approach we aim to adopt takes into account the editing method developed by Aby Warburg for the design of his Mnemosyne Atlas. This approach will be structured around two main notions: firstly, the idea of "metaphorical distance", as conceived by Warburg, for whom awareness of distance, as an instrument of mental guidance, can ensure a lasting social function, fundamental to the destiny of culture and success. Then, the "metaphorical process" will be explored in light of the ideas of Paul Ricoeur, who, in his philosophical perspective on language, offers the unique opportunity to investigate the entire field of semiology to transcend the central signs in the relationship between language and reality. This approach allows the ancient philosophical problem of truth to manifest itself in new forms and contexts.
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