Deadline extended until July 31, 2024 DOSSIER: HOW ARE YOU DOING, 2013? Political struggles and artistic practices in Contemporary Brazil"

The years 2013 and 2014 left a significant mark on Brazilian history with widespread occupation of public spaces in major cities. Political demonstrations, organized through social media, flooded the streets as various groups fought for their causes. These events sparked endless debates and discussions online about their significance. While some argue that this period gave rise to far-right ideologies, reducing 2013 to this oversimplifies and ignores its broader context.

Movements advocating for urban transportation reform, housing rights, anti-gentrification efforts, and the rights of marginalized communities such as black, LGBTQIAPN+ populations gained momentum. These movements were influenced by international events like the World Cup, the Olympics, Occupy, and Black Lives Matter.


Within this backdrop of protests and social upheaval, artistic expressions played a crucial role in engaging people and challenging societal norms. Artists used their work to question the world around them and explore avenues for transformation.


As we reach the ten-year mark since these events, we invite contributions for a special issue titled "How are you, 2013? Political Struggles and Artistic Practices in Contemporary Brazil." Unlike previous exhibitions focusing solely on artists, we seek to examine the collective experiences shared on social media and in the streets. We aim to present a diverse array of perspectives that capture the complexities of 2013.


We welcome articles and essays exploring the intersection of art and activism during this period. Submissions may offer historical, ethnographic, conceptual, or imagistic insights, and should reflect on both the events of 2013 and their ongoing impact. We are particularly interested in themes such as counter-monumentalities, rebaptisms (renaming urban spaces), community aesthetics, and the historical and theoretical trajectory of aesthetic-political actions.

Contributions should be between 25,000 and 35,000 characters and must be submitted by JULY, 31, 2024 (EXTENDED). Detailed submission guidelines can be found on the Estado da Arte magazine website
