V4 N2 (2o sem 2023) Dossiê THE MIGRATION OF IMAGES


Call for submission of articles THE MIGRATION OF IMAGES

The proposal for publication in the second half of 2023, consists of the theme “The migration of images”. After a long period in a state of suspension, which imposed restrictions on the movement and flow of bodies, the images, in turn, proliferated on various supports, giving new dimensions both to social relations and to artistic approaches. If, in the age of images, the capacity for alternation, overlapping, intertwining and also different erasures is underlined, perhaps it is more appropriate to understand these displacements as a migration of images. Following an internal rhythm and desire, they create their own rules under a place of passage, in which an image always meets other techniques and thus magnifies, distorts, destabilizes and multiplies itself. In the migratory transit of seduction and reflection, but also for the ability to rise above each other, they are everything and nothing at the same time, or a “brilliant lie”.


If the image migrates, how can we also think about the condition of artists, in different contexts? Despite the political, economic and health crises, artists remained active, albeit in an exile state, since "exile" not only denotes a condition of political and territorial jettisoning, but also a state of consciousness. Considering that art can portray a continuous state of suspension, the approaches of human subjectivity become increasingly multipliers of a society that seeks to pay attention to the singularities of subjects. The poet Pablo Neruda, in his poem about exile, narrates the brevity of our existence as the condition of those who pass their time. These brief considerations serve as a scope for thinking about artistic relationships in a globalized society, in which processes and proceduralities can be called into question. The exacerbated use of technologies in contemporary productions has deepened the visual, political and social questions of art, as well as has highlighted the connections on a global scale of markets and cultural institutions that proliferate due to advances in communication technologies.


Thus, for this issue, we privilege articles and essays that deal with the migration of images (considering their multiple forms: visual, textual, graphic, object-books or even “non-books”, among others), as well as different approaches, through the artistic practices, of propositions that problematize the notions of “territory” and “exile”. We understand that the hybridity characteristic of this large field of discussion contributes to question the fixed categories of thought and to broaden the dialogue about contemporary artistic practices and their strategies of circulation and migration. Therefore, we invite artists, theorists and art scholars to discuss and re-elaborate these notions on original discursive fronts. The articles may privilege some of these perspectives, or propose others, whether in the work of an artist or a group of artists; in the analysis of an exhibition or art collection; in an artistic intervention, in the reflexive dialectic about art, society and narratives, etc.


Contributions must have between 25,000 and 35,000 characters and must be submitted in the system by 01, 31, 2023. The template and guidelines for authors can be found on the website of the Estado da Arte magazine. http://www.seer.ufu.br/index.php/revistaestadodaarte/index


Camila Moreira Rodrigo Freitas and Aninha Duarte


The Editors

Contact: revistaestadodaarte20@gmail.com