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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and is not being considered for publishing by another journal; otherwise, this must be justified in "Comments to the Editor."
  • The file submitted is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF formats.
  • The text follows the patterns of style and bibliographic requirements described in Guildelines for Authors in Submissions
  • If that is the case, the URL of the references have been informed.
  • The author accepts, if the article is approved, to send together with the final revised version of the article, the full text translated into English for bilingual publication. In case of originals written in English, Spanish and French, the full translation of the text will be in Portuguese.
  • The author(s), if the article is approved, must send the document of assignment of rights, the declaration of authorship and revision signed by all the author(s).

Author Guidelines

  1. The journal publishes quarterly manuscripts in the sections of articles, theoretical essays, reviews, interviews, abstracts of dissertations and theses, translations, experience reports and entity documents.
  2. Submissions and publications are free of charge, the latter being conditional on approval* by reviewers and compliance with recommendations that may be indicated.

* The texts submitted to the sections of the journal are reviewed regarding form, policy of plagiarism and merit. Read about in: PEER REVIEW PROCESS -

  1. The manuscript submitted for review must meet the following guidelines:

a) conform to the focus and scope of the journal;

b) result from research or theoretical studies or polemic debates or experiences linked to the field of educational policies;

c) have a maximum of 4 (four) author(s) and co-author(s), and at least one of them must have a doctorate degree;

d) comply with the minimum gap of one year between the publishing of one and other manuscript by one of the authors or co-authors in the journal.

e) excel in strictness, clarity and argumentative density;

f) comply with the templates of the sections of the journal.

  1. The article must be submitted by one of the author(s) on the journal page:


  1. In view of the issue of endogeny, a maximum of one article per issue of the journal will be allowed, by an author linked to the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia).

5.1. In view of the submission and approval of more than one article, the following criteria for the definition of the scale of publication will be followed, in this order:

a-Priority for one of the organizers of the dossier, in case it is linked to UFU.

b-Longer timelapse form the last publication by the author in the journal;

c-Progressive order of the submission date.

6 - The text must be submitted with the prior realization of spelling and grammar review and adaptation to the following standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT, Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas): 

ABNT NBR 6022:20218 - Information and documentation - Technical and/or scientific periodical publication - Presentation

ABNT NBR 6028:2021 - Information and documentation - Summary - Presentation

ABNT NBR 10520:2002 Information and documentation - Quotes in documents - Presentation

ABNT NBR 6023:2018. Information and documentation - References - Elaboration

ABNT NBR 6024:2012 Information and documentation - progressive number of the sections of a document - Presentation


7 - Papers submitted concurrently to more than one journal will not be accepted. Articles published in other countries and relevant to the Brazilian educational context may be translated and published as indicated by the Editorial Committee.

8 - TWO files of the article are requested to be submitted:

- “Version with identification”  of all authors, according to the order of authorship and co-authorship, with the respective identification data in footnote (see template): major degree; current institutional link in full, city in which the institution is located, state, country, email; curriculum address on the Lattes platform; ORCID. This version will be considered by the editorial team at the 1st stage of the review.

- “Version without identification" of the authors, which will be reviewed by the ad hoc referees, thus guaranteeing the policy of anonymity. It is recommended that all the data that might identify the authorship of this version are supressed.


  1. The journal accepts the submission of texts in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.


  1. The author(s) of the article approved for publication, must submit the full version of the text translated into English, for the bilingual publication. In cas of texts originally written in English, Spanish or French, the full version of the text in Portuguese.


  1. Formatting: the manuscript must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF electronic file format, written in Bell MT font, size 12, with line spacing of 1.5, justified on A4 sheet. Upper and left margins of 3 cm, and lower and right margins of 2 cm. Specific formatting for:

a - Article/Theoretical Essay/Experience Report

        b - Review

        c - Interview


a) Guidelines for Artilcle, Theoretical Essay, Experience Report 

(Template Portuguese)    -

(Template - English)


Manuscripts for this section should be 15 to 20 pages long, references included. It is suggested that the introduction contains the theme; the delimitation of the subject studied; the justification for the choice of the theme; the problem and the general objective of the study. It should also present, briefly, the methodology and synthesis of the results.

Abstract and keywords of the manuscript should be written in Bell MT font, size 12, with single line spacing; the text should be justified, without paragraph indentation. It must contain between 100 and 250 words, with the words "Abstract" and "Keywords" in bold. The number of keywords listed must be between three (3) and five (5). The keywords should appear just below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords, followed by a colon, separated by a semicolon and ended by a period. They must be written in lower-case initials, except for proper nouns and scientific names. They are recommended to identify the content of the manuscript and, whenever possible, be looked up in the educational thesaurus.

The abstract of the article, written in Portuguese, should present title, summary and keywords translated into English and Spanish. In the case of articles written in English, French and Spanish, the title, summary and keywords should also be translated into Portuguese.


b) Guidelines for Review and Summary of Theses and Dissertations: (Download Template)

Reviews for classical and contemporary works, as well as doctorate theses, are accepted.  The review should be 5 to 8 pages long, present a description of the content of the work, elucidating the main assumptions and theoretical-methodological foundations of the original text; also, it should contain the position of the reviewer before the theoretical and social contributions of the study reported, in addition to possible appreciations of other natures and criticisms of the approach sustained by the author(s) of the original work.


c) Guidelines for Interview: (Download Template)

The interview should be 8 to 15 pages long. It is suggested that they begin with a brief introduction, in which the interviewee is presented, indicating the main objectives for which the interview was carried out, in addition to the place and date of its realization.


  1. ILLUSTRATIONS (ABNT NBR14724/2011) - Whatever the type of illustration, the identification must appear at the top, preceded by its designation (drawing, scheme, graphic, frame, photograph, image, figure, among others), order number (arabic numerals), indent and title. It must be inserted next to the excerpt which refers to it. The title and the source of the illustration should be aligned to the left margin of the illustration. At the bottom, the source (even if it is a prouction of the own author(s)), caption and notes should be included. The source should be reported in citation format, font size 11, if applicable, with the full reference mentioned in the reference list.


  1. Citations (ABNT NBR10520/2002) - citations must comply with the form (author's LAST NAME, year) for indirect citations or (author's LAST NAME, year, p. xx) for direct citations. Different titles by the same author, if published in the same year, should be differentiated by adding a letter after the date (author's LAST NAME, year a, p. xx) and identically in the references. Each citation must correspond to a full reference in the list of references at the end of the paper.


  1. FOOTNOTES – these should be restricted to explanatory notes, presented at the bottom of the pages, written in Bell MT font, size 10, single line spacing, with justified alignment. Succint texts (maximum 500 characters, considering spaces) are suggested. In the case of more than one footnote on the same page, it appears in sequence, without identation or space between them.




The references must appear in alphabetical order (ABNT NBR 6023/2018, items 6.3 and 6.7). They should still be organized in simple space between the lines, aligned to the left margin of the page and separated from each other by a blank line of single space. They should be ordered in a single list, standardized as to the typographic resource used to highlight the title* and be uniform in all references as to the indication of other surname(s) and first name** (abbreviated or not) of the authors.

*Note 1: In case of REPOD, we require the detachment of the italicized references.

**Note 2: In case of REPOD, we require the standardization of the first names and other surnames in an abbreviated form.


Please find some examples of references below:


One author


The author is indicated by the last name, in capital letters, followed by the first name(s) and other surname(s), abbreviated or not, provided that it maintains the standard in all references.



QUEIRÓZ, E. O crime do Padre Amaro. 25. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro, 2000.


Two or three authors


When there are two or three authors, the names must be separated by semicolon, followed by space.


Example (magazine article)


ADES, L.; KERBAUY, R. R. Obesidade: realidade e indignações. Psicologia USP, São Paulo, v. 13, n. 1, p. 197-216, 2002.


More than three authors


When there are four or more authors, according to ABNT NBR 6023, all should be mentioned. However, it allows that only the first author be indicated followed by the expression et al.. (and others)




SOUZA, M. I. F.  et al. Autoria na web 2.0 no contexto da educação e a ética dos hackers. Educação temática digital, Campinas, v. 12, n. especial, p. 154-173, Mar 2011. Available at: Access: 15 Jan 2019


SOUZA, M. I. F.; AMARAL, S. F.; SILVA, L. O.; ARAÚJO, I. C. Autoria na web 2.0 no contexto da educação e a ética dos hackers. Educação temática digital, Campinas, v. 12, n. especial, p. 154-173, Mar 2011. Available at: Access: 15 Jan 2019


 Intellectual responsibility different from the author


When there is explicit indication of responsibility for the whole work in collections of several authors, the entry must be made by the name of the person responsible, followed by the singular abbreviation of the type of participation (organizer, coordinator, editor, etc.), in parentheses.




BARTUCCI, G. (org.). Psicanálise, literatura e estéticas de subjetivação. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 2001.


OLIVEIRA, V. B.; BOSSA, N. A. (org.). Avaliação psicopedagógica da criança de sete a onze anos. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1996.


BLUM, Renato Opice (coord.). Direito eletrônico: a internet e os tribunais. Bauru: Edipro, 2001.


Cooperative authorship (Legal Entity)


The responsibility works of collective entities (government bodies, companies, associations, congresses, seminars, etc.) are entered by their own name in full, in upper case, considering hierarchical subordination when there is one.



BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF TECHNICAL STANDARDS. ABNT NBR 6023: informação e documentação: referência: elaboração. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2000.


 Book as a whole (booklet or academic work)


Includes book and/or brochure (manual, guide, catalog, encyclopedia, dictionary, among others) and/or academic work (thesis, dissertation, term paper, among others).




AZEVEDO, M. A.; GUERRA, V. N. A. Mania de bater: a punição corporal doméstica de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil. São Paulo: Iglu, 2001.


 Book chapter


Author's LAST NAME, chapter author's FIRST NAME, abbreviated or not. Chapter tilte: subtitle (if any) In: BOOK AUTHOR (type of participation of the author in the work, org., ed., comp., coord., etc, if any). Book title: book subtitle (if any). Publishing location: Publisher, date of publication, paging referring to the chapter




BANKS-LEITE, L. As questões lingüísticas na obra de Piaget: apontamentos para uma reflexão crítica. In: BANKS-LEITE, L. (org.). Percursos piagetianos. São Paulo: Cortez, 1997. p. 207-223.


Note: the highlight refers to the book title, and not the chapter's.


 Dissertation or thesis


Author's LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, abbreviated or not Title: subtitle (if any). Year of deposit. Thesis (Doctorate) or dissertation (Masters) - Institution in which the thesis or dissertation was defended, location and date of defense. Physical description of the support.




FANTUCCI, I. Contribuição do alerta, da atenção, da intenção e da expectativa temporal para o desempenho de humanos em tarefas de tempo de reação. 2001. Thesis (Doctorate in Psychology) - Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2001.


(Journal) article


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, abbreviated or not.  Title: subtitle (if any) Name of journal, place of publication, volume, number or issue, start and end paging, date of journal publication (abbreviated month)

Note: The highlight refers to the name of the journal.




SANTEIRO, T. V. Criatividade em psicanálise: produção científica internacional (1996-1998). Psicologia: teoria e prática, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 2, p. 43-59, Jul/Dec. 2000.


Issue, supplement and others


Title with upper case entry: subtitle (if any). Place of publication: publisher, year and/or volume numbering, issue numbering, information of periods r dates of publication.


When necessary, complementary elements are added to the reference for better identification of the document.




REVISTA TRIMENSAL DO INSTITUTO HISTÓRICO E GEOGRAPHICO BRAZILEIRO. Rio de Janeiro: Companhia Typographica do Brazil, t. 64, pt. 1, 1901.


 Newspaper article


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, abbreviated or not. Title: subtitle (if any) Name of the newspaper, place of publication, year and/or volume numbering, number (if any), date of publication of the newspaper (abbreviated month, except May), section, magazine or part of the newspaper and the corresponding paging. If there is no section, magazine or part, the article paging precedes the date.


Note: The highlight refers to the name of the newspaper.




ADES, C. Os animais também pensam: e têm consciência. Jornal da Tarde, São Paulo, p. 4D, 15 Apr 2001.


 Article in the process of publication (in press)


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME(S), abbreviated or not. Title: subtitle (if any) Name of publication, location, indication of volume and number, if any, date. In press.




SAMPAIO, M. I. C.; PEIXOTO, M. L. Brazilian Psychology Journals indexed in LILACS and PsycInfo databases. Boletim de Psicologia, São Paulo, [2000?]. In press.


 Interview/testimonial (in journal)


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME of the interviewee, abbreviated or not. Title of the article: subtitle (if any) of the article or testimonial. [Interview granted to] Name of the interviewer. Journal title, place of publication, volume, number, start and end paging, date.



FARENZENA, N. Os desafios do financiamento da educação básica no contexto do novo Fundeb. [Interview grante to] Magna França and Lucia de Fatima Valente. Revista Educação e Políticas em Debate, Uberlândia, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 1, p. 20-28, Jan/Apr 2021. Available at: Access: 13 Jul 2021. DOI:


Work published in the annals of Congress.


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, abbreviated or not. Title of the work: subtitle (if any). In: NAME OF EVENT, number, year, venue of the event. Annals [...]. Place of publication of the annals: Publisher, year. paging.




SILVA, M. V.; RICHTER, L. M.   Carreira docente e formação de profissionais da educação básica no Brasil: o papel da Sociedade Civil nas conquistas legais e os desafios atuais. In: ENCONTRO REDESTRADO BRASIL:  autonomia do trabalho docente: caminhos para sua organização político-pedagógica, 10., 2019, Recife. Annals [...]. Recife: Rede Estrado, 2019. p. 1-17.


 Documents published in electronic media


The standard for reference of the specific document in printed form should be followed, adding the support or electronic address, and the latter followed by the date of access and the Digital Object Identifier System (DOI).


Note: Please include the DOI of all the electronic documents that have it. (The consultation can be performed at: One should be attentive to correctly identify the file, if it has a DOI.


 Article published on electronic journal.


CORRÊA, F., CARVALHO, F. A. F. A descentralização financeira dos recursos públicos para a Educação Básica e a Política de Fundos. Revista Educação e Políticas Em Debate, v. 10, n. 1, p. 84-99. 2021. Available at: Access: 13 Jul 2021. DOI:


 Auiovisual document


TITLE Director and/or producer Location: producing company or distributor, date. Specification of support in physical units.


When necessary, complementary elements are added to the reference for better identification of the document.



EM BUSCA de um sonho: da engenharia à ficção. Production: Jacques Fux. [S. l. : s. n.], 2018. 1 video (15 min). Published by TEDx Talks Channel. Available at: Access: 29 Mar 2019.



A CRIANÇA e o TDA/H: transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade. Viçosa, MG: Centro de Produções Técnicas, 2007. 1 DVD (80 min), son., color., 4 3/4 in.


Note: To reference works without an indication of authorship, the highlight is already the entry by the first word of the title in capital letters, including article (definite or indefinite) and initial monosyllabic word (if any).


Legal documents


JURISDICTION (or entity's heading in case of regulations). Title. edition. Location: Publisher, year. Total pages.




BRASIL Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente . 5. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1995. 210 p.


BRASIL Lei nº 13.722 de 4 de outubro de 2018 . Torna obrigatória a formação em primeiros socorros básicos para professores e funcionários dos estabelecimentos públicos e privados de ensino básico e de recreio infantil. Brasília/DF: Presidência da República, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso: 15 de junho de 2019


Nota : Para se referir a leis, decretos, portarias e outros documentos desse tipo, a ementa é elemento essencial e deve ser transcrita conforme publicada.

Updated on: 06/20/2023

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The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Updated on: 06/20/2023